PowerShell - Add and Remove Users from Active Directory Group

by Jim 28. November 2011 13:17

I had a need to routinely update the members of a security group in Active Directory.  The users in an OU were to be added/removed from the security group on a scheduled basis.

  1. Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  2. Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Some Security Group" | ForEach-Object { $Member = $_.SamAccountName; Remove-AdGroupMember -Identity "Some Security Group" -Members $Member -Confirm:$false }
  3. Get-User -OrganizationalUnit "Some OU" | ForEach-Object { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Some Security Group" -Members $_.SamAccountName }

This could be written into a powershell script file to be run on a schedule.

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PowerShell - Create AD Groups then Populate Them from CSV

by Jim 16. October 2011 17:57

In my previous post, I explained how to export a .CSV for each group in an OU.  This gives you a .CSV for each group which is named the same as the group name.

  • Some Group 1.csv
  • Some Group 2.csv
  • Some Group 3.csv
  • Some Group N.csv

Now, I need to create those Groups in a new AD.  Here is the script that I used:

Get-ChildItem | foreach { echo $_.Basename } | ForEach-Object { dsadd group -scope u "cn=$_,OU=Groups,OU=Some OU,DC=SubDomain,DC=Domain,DC=TLD" }

This script calls the program DSADD and passes it the correct name (minus the .csv) which is then used to create the Groups.

Next, we run a similar script that walks through those same .CSV's and adds the users to the group with the same name as the .CSV.

Get-ChildItem | foreach { $GN = $_.BaseName; Import-Csv $_ } | foreach { Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GN -Members $_.SamAccountName }

This works wonderfully well if the column titled SamAccountName has the correct usernames in it.

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PowerShell - Export Group Members to CSV

by Jim Bouse 16. October 2011 16:52

This script will export a .CSV for each group in an OU.  The CSV will be named the same as the group name.

Use this code on an Exchange Server:

Get-Group -OrganizationalUnit "Some OU" | ForEach-Object { Get-Group -Identity $_.Name | ForEach { $_.Members } | Get-User | Export-Csv ($_.Name + '.csv') }


Use this code on an machine with Import-Module ActiveDirectory loaded:

Get-ADGroup -OrganizationalUnit "Some OU" | ForEach-Object { Get-ADGroup -Identity $_.Name | ForEach { $_.Members } | Get-ADUser | Export-Csv ($_.Name + '.csv') }

* Greg Martin suggested I clear this up...  Thanks!

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